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Top Pitfalls in B2B Ideal Customer Profile Development

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Creating an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is a critical step for B2B companies looking to streamline their marketing and sales efforts, yet it often presents significant challenges. In previous articles, we’ve explored the complexities of the B2B customer journey, emphasizing the need for a deep understanding of your target audience (Main Challenges in B2B Customer Journey) and what these journeys typically entail (What Do B2B Customer Journeys Look Like?). We’ve also highlighted how competitor analysis can be a powerful tool in shaping your business strategy (Translating Competitor Analysis into Business Strategy). One crucial aspect that stands out in all these discussions is the importance of defining your ICP accurately, as it’s more than just a segment—it’s about identifying the perfect fit for your offerings (Segmentation vs. Ideal Customer Profiles: What B2B Marketers Need to Know).

Despite its importance, many businesses fall into common pitfalls when developing their ICPs, leading to missed opportunities and wasted resources. In this article, we will delve into the top five pitfalls in ICP development and provide actionable strategies to avoid them, ensuring your ICP truly reflects your best opportunities for growth.

1. Lack of Specificity

One of the most common mistakes in ICP development is failing to be specific enough. Companies often create overly broad profiles that try to encompass too many potential customers. This lack of specificity can dilute marketing messages and sales strategies, making it harder to resonate with the right audience. For instance, a technology company originally targeted all sizes of businesses but found that by narrowing its focus specifically to mid-sized enterprises with specific technology needs, it significantly improved conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

In one of our projects, we worked with an AI-driven SaaS scale-up. Initially, they targeted a broad market of e-commerce stores in the U.S., which led to scattered efforts in marketing and business development, and less-than-optimal results.

To refine their approach, we began by defining specific criteria for their target audience. By analysing their existing customer base, we identified key characteristics of their most successful clients. We then matched these criteria with potential market segments and refined their focus to the top three ICPs that best aligned with their strengths.

This targeted approach allowed them to shift from a broad strategy to one that emphasised mid-sized e-commerce businesses, high-growth online stores, and brands seeking advanced ad optimisation. As a result, the company saw a marked improvement in lead quality and customer engagement, demonstrating the power of a well-defined ICP in driving business success.

This case highlights how narrowing focus and aligning with precise customer needs can transform marketing effectiveness and overall business performance.

Solution: Define your ICP with precision. Go beyond basic demographics and firmographics; include detailed attributes such as company size, industry verticals, decision-maker roles, and specific pain points. Use data-driven insights to narrow down your target audience to a niche where your product or service can deliver the most value.

2. Insufficient Research

Another major pitfall is not investing enough time and resources into researching potential customers. Companies might rely on assumptions or incomplete data, leading to an inaccurate ICP that doesn’t truly reflect the market.

We partnered with an education company that was facing challenges in growing their presence in their home market. Despite having a strong offering, they found it challenging to effectively reach and engage their target audience. Initially, their strategies were based on assumptions rather than concrete data, which led to broad and unfocused marketing initiatives.

To address this, we integrated all of their existing analytics data from multiple channels, conducted in-depth customer interviews, and leveraged external data sources from Metheus. This comprehensive approach enabled us to identify the root causes of their challenges, such as gaps in their understanding of customer needs and overlooked audience segments that held significant potential.

By refining their ICP based on these insights, we helped the company focus on the audiences most aligned with their offerings.

Solution: Conduct thorough research using multiple sources. This can include analysing customer data, conducting surveys, interviewing current customers, and studying competitors. Use qualitative and quantitative methods to gather a holistic view of your ideal customer. The more data-driven your approach, the more accurate and effective your ICP will be.

3. Neglecting Customer Feedback

Many businesses overlook the valuable insights that can be gained from customer feedback. This feedback can provide direct insights into what customers value, their pain points, and why they chose your product over competitors.

A Metheus client in the retail analytics sector was facing challenges in optimising sales and business development team efforts and strengthening their presence. Initially, their strategies were primarily driven by internal perspectives, with little integration of direct customer feedback. This approach limited their ability to fully understand and address the needs of their clients, resulting in slower growth and less engagement from prospects.

To tackle this, we guided them in integrating feedback from their customers, key decision-makers and even prospects into their business development actions. By actively listening to what their customers valued, the pain points they experienced, and the expectations they had, the company was able to refine its communication strategies. Metheus supported this effort by helping to establish a robust partnership network that aligned with these insights.

As a result, by prioritising customer feedback, they not only optimised their team efforts but also strengthened their market position through more relevant and effective partnerships.

Solution: Regularly collect and analyse customer feedback, whether it’s through direct conversations, surveys, or reviews. Incorporate these insights into your ICP to ensure it reflects the real-world experiences and needs of your customers. This approach not only refines your ICP but also strengthens customer relationships by showing that you listen and respond to their needs.

4. Overlooking Industry Trends

Failing to keep up with industry trends can render an ICP obsolete. As industries evolve, so do the needs and behaviours of potential customers. Overlooking these shifts can lead to targeting customers whose needs no longer align with your offerings.

A UK-based company specialising in learning technologies for educational institutes initially faced challenges in adapting to evolving market needs. Recognising the growing trend of remote and hybrid education, particularly accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the company pivoted to focus on these emerging needs. They enhanced remote capabilities and add virtual solutions to their platform, aligning their offerings with the rapid changes in the education sector.

With the support of Metheus, the company successfully positioned itself to capture the interest of new audience segments in their market expansion, particularly universities seeking flexible, scalable remote learning solutions. This strategic shift not only addressed the immediate demand during the pandemic but also set the foundation for long-term growth as the education landscape continued to evolve towards hybrid models.

Solution: Stay informed about industry trends and adjust your ICP accordingly. Subscribe to industry publications, attend relevant webinars and conferences, and set up alerts for news related to your target industries. By staying ahead of the curve, you can anticipate changes in your customers’ needs and adjust your strategies to remain relevant.

5. Failure to Update Profiles

An ICP is not a one-time project but a living document that should evolve as your business and the market change. However, many companies fall into the trap of creating an ICP once and never revisiting it, leading to outdated strategies that no longer align with current business realities.

An architectural technology company that primarily participated in public tenders and government projects found itself struggling to identify future growth opportunities. Their focus was heavily concentrated on current public sector projects, which limited their ability to explore and develop applications for the private sector. Meanwhile, the private sector was rapidly evolving, with competitors introducing specialised features tailored to specific market needs, leaving little room for newcomers without a targeted approach.

Recognising the need for a strategic shift, Metheus conducted a future market outlook analysis to help the company reassess and update its ICP. This analysis identified key areas within the private sector where competition was still manageable and highlighted potential revenue streams for the upcoming years. By understanding which market segments were underserved or poised for growth, the company could strategically pivot to address these opportunities.

Solution: Establish a regular review process for your ICP. Set specific intervals—quarterly or bi-annually—to revisit and revise your profile based on new data, feedback, and market conditions. Updating your ICP ensures that your marketing and sales efforts remain aligned with your target audience’s evolving needs.


Developing an effective Ideal Customer Profile is a dynamic process that requires specificity, research, customer feedback, awareness of industry trends, and regular updates. By avoiding these common pitfalls, B2B companies can create ICPs that truly reflect their best opportunities for growth, allowing them to target the right customers with the right strategies. Remember, a well-defined ICP is not just a tool—it’s a strategic asset that drives success across marketing, sales, and overall business growth.

Ready to refine your Ideal Customer Profile and unlock new growth opportunities? At Metheus, we specialise in helping companies like yours navigate the complexities of ICP development. Whether you’re struggling with specificity, need deeper insights from your data, or want to stay ahead of industry trends, our tailored solutions can guide you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn how we can help you transform your approach to customer targeting and drive your business forward. Let’s build your path to success together.

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