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How RebusLabs Achieved Success with Metheus Consultancy

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About RebusLabs

RebusLabs AG, established in 2015, set forth with the pioneering vision to create the foremost holistic IoT platform designed to seamlessly track, manage, and enhance the utilisation of large-scale assets in day-to-day business operations. These assets span a diverse range, encompassing fridges, coolers, inventories, parcels, stores, and even entire facilities. The brilliance of RebusLabs’ solution lies in its ability to assimilate data from a myriad of sensors, conducting automatic measurements and uploading them in real-time to the cloud using a GSM connection. Catering especially to sectors like pharmaceuticals, healthcare, food, energy, FMCG, CPG, retail, telecommunications, and industry 4.0 manufacturing, the platform offers remarkable ease of use – with installation achievable in under 5 minutes. It is adept at automatically locating and monitoring temperature-sensitive products in line with manufacturer or regulatory standards. Through its innovative solutions, RebusLabs not only reduces costs but also achieves operational efficiency, ensuring easy compliance with regulations and harnessing the power of data-driven insights.

Challenges Before Working with Metheus Consultancy

Before engaging with Metheus Consultancy, RebusLabs was experiencing a period of steady success within Switzerland, solidifying their position as a digital innovator in their domain. However, while they were aware of the potential applicability and demand for their solutions in other European markets, they faced several pressing challenges.

  • Market Prioritisation: RebusLabs struggled with deciding which European countries to target first. The process of identifying the right markets was unclear and daunting.

  • Go-to-Market Strategy: Despite their success in Switzerland, they lacked a clear strategy for entering new European markets. Implementing effective go-to-market approaches in unfamiliar terrains was challenging.

  • Optimising Marketing and Sales Funnel: Their inbound and outbound strategies were facing issues, especially in lead generation. This caused a hindrance in their expansion goals. There was also the challenge of adapting their processes to the unique needs of each new market they considered.

Metheus Consultancy’s Execution Strategy and Implementation

RebusLabs aspired to extend its reach in Europe and recognised the importance of expert guidance. At Metheus Consultancy, we stepped in, offering the expertise and insights necessary for this venture. Here’s a detailed look at how we shaped and supported RebusLabs’ European expansion ambitions.

Pinpointing the Right Market

Using a meticulously data-driven method, Metheus embarked on comprehensive market research across Europe. The aim was to find the most viable region for RebusLabs’ expansion. After weighing gains against pains, understanding varying regional regulations, and assessing market needs for RebusLabs’ product, the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) emerged as the frontrunner. This decision wasn’t just based on data but was also reinforced by an in-depth competitor analysis. By identifying and contrasting the strengths and weaknesses of RebusLabs against the biggest competitors across Europe, Metheus unveiled key differentiation points. The insights revealed that not only did RebusLabs have a significant advantage in the DACH region, but Germany, in particular, emerged as a strategic focal point. Within this region, Germany particularly stood out as the top country, and there were distinct reasons for this prominence. Notably, Germany boasts high-capacity university hospitals and widespread cold-chain refrigerators within them. Moreover, there’s a noticeable room for improvement in the digital landscape of the German health sector, implying ample opportunities for digital solutions like those of RebusLabs.

Crafting the Go-to-Market Strategy

With the region settled, the next pivotal step was charting out the go-to-market strategy. As Metheus, we didn’t just dive in blindly. Instead, we utilised comprehensive tables comparing RebusLabs to potential competitors across various channels. These tables were pivotal in understanding which avenues to prioritise. Through this in-depth analysis, digital and industrial channels emerged as the top contenders for creating awareness. By focusing on channels that were impactful, feasible, and ensured sustained results, we ensured RebusLabs would have a competitive edge.

Detailed Channel Utilisation Strategy

Deciding on the channels was just the beginning. Metheus delved deeper by devising a granular Channel Utilisation strategy. This not only covered digital aspects such as optimising for search engine visibility with SEO strategies and crafting compelling LinkedIn messaging templates that resonate with potential clients and partners but also incorporated physical touchpoints designed for the consideration & acquisition phases. Their comprehensive analysis of the audience also led to strategies detailing how sales teams should be structured and how they should progress. Each channel, both digital and physical, was meticulously planned out, ensuring that every touchpoint was optimised for maximum reach and conversion.

Projecting the Future

While our initial strategies were comprehensive, we at Metheus took an extra step. We crafted detailed budget projections to ensure RebusLabs was financially prepared for different scenarios. Alongside this, we also developed an alternative plan tree, outlining various pathways on how the go-to-market strategy could progress under different circumstances. This approach aimed not just to provide RebusLabs with a strategic blueprint but also to equip them with flexible plans to navigate potential shifts in the market landscape.

Results Achieved

In our partnership with RebusLabs, Metheus Consultancy spearheaded several key initiatives that yielded tangible results. Here’s a closer look at the milestones achieved:

Active Client Acquisitions from Switzerland and Germany

Our strategic interventions bore immediate fruit, with RebusLabs marking a significant uptick in client acquisitions from these pivotal markets. Notably, they managed to onboard one of Germany’s largest university hospitals, Mainz, as a client. Together with this esteemed hospital, RebusLabs prepared joint case studies, performance comparisons, and optimisation reports which were then presented as an example to other hospitals. The strategies we deployed ensured that RebusLabs could tap into the potential of these markets effectively, leading to increased clientele and amplified revenue streams.

Go-To-Market Expertise and Enhanced Value Proposition

Building on our deep market insights and expertise, we aided RebusLabs in refining their value proposition. The result was a product offering that was both compelling and competitive, striking the right chord with the target audiences.

Throughout this partnership, Metheus Consultancy remained committed to delivering a holistic plan, encompassing implementation strategies and monitoring tools. This approach guaranteed that RebusLabs could operate with total transparency, stay attuned to crucial KPIs, and make data-driven decisions in their European expansion venture.

“Our vision at RebusLabs has always been to revolutionise the way businesses manage their large-scale assets. But to expand our horizon across Europe, we needed a partner with profound expertise and a deep understanding of the intricacies of European markets. With Metheus Consultancy, we found more than just a consultancy; we found a partner dedicated to our success. Their strategic guidance, methodical approach, and unwavering support have been pivotal in our European journey, helping us navigate challenges and seize opportunities. Today, as we mark significant client acquisitions in Switzerland and Germany and earn recognition in esteemed publications, I can confidently say that teaming up with Metheus was one of our best decisions.”

-Michael Boyman, Founder & CEO

Through our collaboration, RebusLabs successfully transcended their expansion challenges, marking noteworthy achievements in the DACH Region. The comprehensive roadmap we at Metheus crafted empowered RebusLabs to pinpoint the optimal markets, devise potent lead generation strategies, and refine their operations for scalability.

If RebusLabs’ transformative journey resonates with your aspirations and you’re seeking similar milestones for your enterprise, we invite you to take the next step with Metheus Consultancy.

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